Monday, May 18, 2009

The Diary Of Anne Frank Act I.& II.


1. The families must obey strict riles to avoid discovery. Which rule would be the hardest for you to follow?Why?
The hardest rule for me to follow would be to be quiet for most of the day. This would be the hardest rule for me to follow because i like to talk and express how i feel, so i would be so anxious to get that all out of me.

2.a) In scene I., what objects dose Mr.Frank find in the secret rooms?
In scene I. Mr. Frank finds a Multi-colored scarf hanging from a nail, and a women's white glove on the floor.

b) How are the objects connected with the rest of the act?
They are connected because these things remind him about the two years that him, and all the other people spent hiding. This is what starts the act.

3.a) What special meanings dose Hanukkah have for the families?
The special meaning of Hanukkah to the families is that this is a time to be with the family and rejoice. Hanukkah is just like a Christmas so this is a happy time to celebrate and be thankful for what you have.

b) What do Anne's presents show about her?I would have to say that her presents show what kind of person she really is a well sirited person with so much hope, even though they are going through this hard time in hiding she still manages to get gifts for them, and still be able to celebrate Hanukkah with her family and other people.

c) Why do the others react with enthusiasm to her presents?

They react like this because they are stuck in this tiny place, they cant get out but Anne makes these things for them and brings back the Hanukkah spirit when they are all ready to give up.

4.a) With a pratner, discuss Mr.Frank's statement "There are... no locks that anyone can put on your mind." How dose Anne prove that this is true?

Anne proves that this is true because their is no person that can stop you from learing or take away what you already know. even though she is in hiding for two years she is still learning and suff. Just because she has been stuck in hiding the Nazis have not taken away any of her knowledge or kept her from learning even more!

5.a) What is the historical cause that causes the Franks to go into hiding?

The historical cause is the Holocaust when Nazi were looking for Jews to kill them.

b) What effects dose this situation have on their daily lives?

This really effects their lives because they are locked up with the same people for such a long period of time. They cannot go outside, have to be quite for most of the day, eat little portions of food. This was just a total life changing experience for them, and it really changed their daily lives as people.

6.a) What effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have in the Jews?
The Nazi think that these stars is like a way to be stereotyped to let people know that they are Jewish. So the Nazi think this is going to change everything because they wear the star of David, but really it dose not mean anything it just shows what those people are but it did affect many things in their lives by having to wear the star.

b) What background information about the war and the Nazis treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended effects.

Everything that you hear about this war is so gruesome because of all the lost lives, families,men,women,and children its so sad. You could link this because the Nazis wanted to destroy the Jews and wipe them out, and the backgrougd info helps you know what they wanted the effect to be.

7. Complete and organizer like this one shown with examples of dialogue that achieve each purpose.

Reveals Character and Relationships: ANNE-(paying no attention)"Everything she does is right, and everything I do is wrong!I'm the goat around here!...You're all against me!...And you worst of all!"

Dialogue---> Advances the action of the plot: Dussle We have to pick up the phone!!!

Develops the conflict:Mr.Kraler A man named Carl about fifty asked me questions about your Mr. Frank and he wants 20 more guilders a week.

8. After Mr. Kraler asks Jan Dussel can join the Franks and the Van Danns in hiding, what dose the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities.

Well, for the all of them are more opened armed about these things they are willing to receive another one of their own people rather than leave him out their in danger. They are all nice and well-mannered people but at times they can get a little jumpy and mad but they all had good personalities about these things.


1. What do you like best about Anne Frank? How would you like having her as a friend?

The thing that i like and stands out about her is her personality. I like her because she has spunk and she dose not like to take anything from anybody, she dose what she has to do, and that is something i find so cool. I would like to have her as a friend and i would enjoy it because of the type of person she is nice at times but can also be mean when she needs too.

2.a) What disturbing news dose Mr.Kraler bring on New Year's Day?

The disturbing news that Mr. Kraler brings on New Year's Day is that a man named Carl was asking a whole bunch of Questions about Mr. Frank, and then he told Mr. Kraler that he wanted a twenty guilders more a week.

b) What hint dose this give about the ending of the play?

This gives me a hint that all of the people in hiding are going to be discovered by the SS Gaurds, and shipped to consetration camps. Just because of how Mr. Kraler explained everything happening wiht the man.

3.a) What is the time span of Act II.?

The time span that that Act II. is moving in is kind of by the two years that they spent in hiding, and explaing how they kind of became leding up to them getting discovered.

b) How have the characters changed since the end of act I.?
The characters have changed since Act I. because they have all become a lot closer.

c) How do you know that Anne has changed?
I know that Anne has changed because of the way that she acts toward things through the two years she changes a lot because she becomes a little more mature and deals with things in a more adult way. Anne seems to be years ahead of her age.

4.a) How can Anne believe that "..... in spite of everything... people are good at heart?"

I think that Anne can believe this because the way that people act on the outside is one way, but every one is still human inside not matter what and no one can can he that and that is something she believes in. People will always be good in their heart.

b) What dose Mr.Frank mean by "she puts me to shame"?

By Mr. Frank saying "she puts me to shame" he means that Anne being younger she has more faith and beliefs that people are still good at heart even though they have gone through all of this, and he dose not have as much faith as her him being an older person.

5. For each one identify one cause and one effect:

a)Mr. Van Dann's decision to steal food.

The cause for this would be that he feels he is not getting enough food, and he dose not want to starve to death so he decides to steal food, and not be hungry. The effect is all the people finding out about him stealing the food and some are really mad, Mrs. Frank even wants to kick out the Van Danns.

b) Mrs. Frank's change of heart about wanting the Van Dann's to leave.
The cause for this would be the Van Dann's besides Peter are very ruse and disrespectful to everyone else there because Mr. Van Dann decides to steal the food and take it from the mouths of the young ones, and Mrs. Van Dann choose him over the children this is not nice at all it is something so stupid that they could do. The effect is that the Van Danns Might get kicked out of the hiding place.

6. What are some possible causes of Mrs. Van Dann's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship?

Some possible cause for Mrs. Van Dann's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship is that Peter and Anne might have a secret relationship, and Mrs. Van Dann dose not seem to get along with Anne that much especially because of what happened to her fur coat, so Mrs. Van Dann might not want this to be.

7. Living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the "Secret Annex." List three effects that result from this single cause.

One effect is that Anne and Peter fall in love while in hiding. Second effect they all get to live an not be in concentration camps. The last effect would be that all of the families get to spend so much time with each other.

8.a) On a chart like the one show, identify the possible motivation behind the actions listed.


Brings flowers and cake to the attic rooms.


She is a nice person and feels she really wants to help them, so she brings them a treat.

Mr. Van Dann


Steals Food.

Feels he is not getting enough food.


Peter Van Dann


Talks back to his father.

Feels his father is rude
to certain people.

9. What possible motivations might an informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding?

The possible motivations that an informer might have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding would be that they have done something wrong and they are looking for the authorities to pardon them for the turning in of families in hiding. They might have also gotten a reward of some sort.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty Things I Know About The Holocaust.....

1. Ghettos were places where they would keep Jews to live, they were very disgusting to live in with low hygiene for them.

2. The Ghettos were in many places like Frankfurt, Rome, Prague, and also other places this is the where our meaning of ghetto originates but it is not a pretty word to use when you think about it....

3.The ghetto's were the only place where they kept the Jews this was the start to them controlling and killing all of them, and it was sad when they just came storming in and killing them all, in the ghetto's the Jews had to wear a type of badge to show they were a Jew and also do labor for the German's.

    4.Their were 3 types of ghetto's closed, opened, and destruction.

    5. The biggest ghetto that their ever was for Jews was the Warsaw it held 400,000 Jews in a small space, this was located in Poland.

    6. The Holocaust was a time were the German's had got rid of Jews because most of the German people had been in a depressed at the time, and they thought that they were better than the Jews and that they needed to be destroyed, this took place from 1939-1945.

    7. The meaning of the word Holocaust comes from the Greek's which means "sacrifice by fire".

    8. The Holocaust was not only the killing so Jews but also Homosexuals, Jehovah's Witness, Roma(Gypsies), The Disabled, Polish, Russian's, and Slavic People.

    9. Their had been 9 million Jews living before the war started in Germany.

    10. Their was about two-thirds of Jews killed by the Germans after the war finished.

    11. About the 200,000 Roma's (Gypsies) were victims as well.

    12. About 200,000 German people that were living in institute for mentally and physically disabled were killed in a Euthanasia......

    13.About two-three million Soviet prisoners died of hunger, sickness, and maltreatment, some were also murdered, also a lot of people would try to smuggle food and other things in to.

    14. Since the beginning of the Nazi Regime they would kill homosexuals, or people that did not match that of the public....

    15. The German's mainly targeted people who were different than their own like people of other religion, and politics most of them dies because they were imprisoned, and starved.

    16. The concentration camps were where the people were the camps where they would put them to keep them detained and monitor them on how they were, mostly Jews were kept here.

17. From the years of 1941-1944 about a million Jews were transported from Germany, and other Allie countries to Ghetto's and Killing Center, known as extermination camps were they would be sent to be killed usually by gas's chambers. They would try to fit as many people into one chamber at a time.

18. When the war was coming closer to an end SS guards would move the inmates by train, and they took a death march.

19. When forces against Germany began to enter Europe they began to let concentration camp prisoners free.

20. The Germans had surrendered on May,7,1945.

21. The day after the surrender which was May,8,1945 World War II was declared over.

22. The soviets had made their own Victory day on May,9,1945, so this all unraveled in that of three days, and that was the end of War World II and the Holocaust.

23. After all of the things that had happened in the Holocaust so many Jews were lost, and this meant that many of the people who lived through it emigrated to other places, this destroyed many of Jewish neighborhoods everywhere.

24. Their had been so many bodies of Jews all over the place when they were trying to clean everything up, it was so sad.

25. From the year's of 1933-1945 they used Nazi camps they were like Ghettos, they would keep them here it could be like a transit camp, or a labor camp to hold for a certain amount of time, then off to extermination camps to be killed in large groups of alone.

26. In 1938 Germany annexed Austria in and they went in and looked for German and Austrian Jews to send them to Dachau, Sachsenhausen, and Buchenwald concentration camps in Germany.

27. The Germans then entered Poland and the Nazi's opened forced labor camps their.

28. At the forced labor camps the prisoners would dies of starvation, exhaustion, and exposure.

29. Nazi doctors would also perform medical experiments on some of the prisoners to find things out, most of them died because the doctors did not know what they were doing hence the word Experiment.

30. After the invasion of the Soviet Union the numbers of the POW camps increased a great deal.

31. The final solution of the Nazi was to begin the mass murders of the Jews.

32. Many places had this going on because of the Nazi's in places like Poland.

33. Ensatzgruppen were German SS guards and personnel police.

34. This group murdered many people of mentally and physically disabled institution's.

35.Jews were not allowed to go to school with non-Jew kids.

36. The women would have to get sterilized.

37. Most mother would have to get abortions.

38. Pregnant women were killed first in the gas chambers.

39. Most people would hide from the SS people to not be taken away.

40. Until today if anyone having to do with the murders of the Holocaust are alive they will be put into jail until they die, which is not that long.

41. People were not allowed to travel throw out the time of the Holocaust.

42. People would eat jewelry that they own to keep the Nazi's from getting them.

43. The survivors of the Holocaust were called displaced people.

44. So many families had been separated through this tragedy.

45. Their were also camps for the survivors of the holocaust called DP camps.

46. The last DP camp closed in 1957.

47. One of the most famous books on the Holocaust is The Diary Of Anne Frank.

48. The Holocaust was a really big Genocide.

49. Genocide is an 8 stage system.

50. Genocide id still happening today in other parts of the world.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel......

My name would be Hansel and i want to share with you the tale of a selfish women......

It was once my father, my sister Gretel, and my birth mother those were the good times, but my true mother past away and father wanted someone else, but what he found could not possibly be human. Our new stepmother was a selfish old woman who enjoyed the pain and suffering of children, our family was of low income and we could barely afford to buy bread, we would have to use the same clothes for years things were not so good that is why we live in the middle of nowhere it is just easier on all of us. The supply of money was not that good at one time so stepmother wanted to talk to father, so she tucked us in early to do so but i did not care for what she told me she was nothing to me and my sister. So that night i had eavesdropped on their conversation, i over heard her trying to sweet talk my father into leaving us in the forest so that they too could live in peace and have more food for themselves, but sweet old father did not want to he has a big heart especially for his children he would never want to hurt Gretel or myself. That evil old hag had convinced him and made everything seem ok... so those were mine and Gretel's fate for the morning, but i had left out of the door to go get some of the shiny pebbles that shined really bright in the moon's light i took as many as i could so that Gretel and I could find our way back home!

Morning came and so did our step mother did too, she gave me and Gretel a piece of bread each and told us we were venturing into the woods today. So we left and i had been leaving pepples on the path we took, father saw me and asked what i had been doing and i said i was staring back at my cat. My step mother was furious and said that i was ignorant, was the sunlight shining on the chimney. Then we got far away from the house and they said we will be back when we finish cutting enough fire wood for the house you sleep a little until we come back, they started a fire and then left. We both feel asleep, and when we awoke it was night already ad theynever came back for us, Gretel started crying i told her to hush when the moon came up i would take her home. As soon as the mon came out and the light was shinging i could see the pebbles and find our way home. When stepmother opened the door she seemed shocked let us in she tried to seem happy about it but i knew that she wasnt.

Then once again our family went broke and we were running out of food so i overheard my stepmother telling my father to abandon us in the forest again and safe themselves. I tried to go outside that night to collect pebbles again but my stepmother locked the door so i just feel asleep with Gretel that night. She awoke us that morning and took us, i did the same thing the only difference was that i use bread to leave a path since i did not have the pebbles. The fire was lit and they left again i tried to think but feel asleep and when we woke it was already night, i tried to hush Gretel i told her we would find our way once the moonlight came but a bunch of birds had eaten all of the crumbs i left behind so we were now lost.

We walked all night but we could not find our way back home but we could not but we had stumbled on a road and we found a house but it was no ordinary house this house was made of bread, and had windows made out of sugar now me and Gretel surely would not die of hunger.
We had been really startled that we stopped eating when the old woman who owned the house came out, but she was a nice old women she wanted to help us, she took us inside and gave us food and a place to sleep for the night what a wonderful woman. The next morning me and Gretel were awoken by the old woman shaking us it had turned out that she was a wicked witch, she put me in an iron cage alone and made Gretel make me delicious food so that i could get fat. By the time it had been about a month i was not fat i was still skinny but she was hungry so she did not care she told Gretel to boil the water, and heat up the oven she tired to get Gretel to but Gretel pushed her in and died and we went home with some jewels we found at the witchs house and lived happily ever after with our stepmother dead.......

The End!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yea our stepmother was the witch thought you guys would like to know that.....

Monday, May 4, 2009

"Adam's Diary"

Saturday: It has been kind of boring and sad ever since Lilith disappeared. The island has been all to myself and i have just been trying to forget about the old times that me and Lilith shared. I wanted to spend my days alone by the beach, and just trying to relax and be myself.

The same day that i was trying to relax, a women came and she seemed fascinated by me. I felt kind of alive again i could not believe that their was another girl standing in front of me

i tried not to talk because i wanted to seem mysterious to her. She had told me that all of the things in her past day were so exciting because she had a big mind and knew what everything was called. She had began to annoy me because she would not shut up at all.
The only way i got away was to climb in the tree and rest throughout the night and day of Saturday and Sunday.

Sunday: On Sunday morning i slept in until the afternoon. When i awoke i expected the women to be gone but she wasn't she had still been their waiting, she tried to chase me back up the tree, she had tried saying something to me and i spoke at her with intensity and she seemed to be freaked out because she looked as if she thought i could not talk. I had made the biggest mistake because she kept talk and did not want to shut up which would be very helpful.

Next Sunday: For the rest of the entire week she had followed me around fascinated by my appearance. She had told me that her name was Eve it reminded me about the world for some reason, maybe that was why she way created.

Wednesday: Me and this so called Eve were starting to get along now. I was so surprised when i looked at her good because she had the true beauty of Lilith and i was so amazed and annoyed by her. Eve and me were kind of reading each others minds because i did not want to talk i wanted to think about the wonderful life i had, and i could have with Eve.

Thursday: This time i had really done it Eve was acting out of her own kindness and i treated her bad i yelled at her with my loud and mean mouth she began to cry and she did not want
to talk to me anymore because she could not picture my kindness.

Sunday: This day she was happy again and she wanted to try and please me in any way that she possibly could but this made me in
a angry way because when a woman wants to please a man she will
go to the ends of the earth to try and do so. She tried to pick me some apples and i had to tell her not to touch them because they would bring nothing but harm.

Monday-Friday: Throughout the rest of the week i watched Eve do things i saw that she was fascinated by new things and was starting n to care if only she could make me happy she would do these crazy things and that was what she did. I just saw her as she take an apple from the forbidden tree everything from then on changed. She began to find things differently she discovered what it seemed to be fire and touched it, her ignorance annoyed me even more and i could not believe that she did that. At the last point she had grown a very big fear of the fire, and she did not want to touch it and no one could feel as she did, for i only knew because i had seen it happen once before.

The End.....

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Giraffe And the Hyena.....

Upon the time animals ruled the jungles of Africa, their lived a Giraffe that did not learn from what happened to him in life.
This giraffe befriended a malicious hyena.
This Hyena knew that giraffe was not so bright so on purpose he would
use giraffe for his own personal entertainment.
Giraffe followed in hyena's foot steps getting into tons of trouble
but not seeing that hyena was using him.
One day when giraffe almost died by the river bank because hyena almost through him
into it, was the day giraffe leaned everything about life.
Hyena was never seen again after that day....
Never follow someone be smart enough to be a LEADER.....
The End!!!!!!!!!!