Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty Things I Know About The Holocaust.....

1. Ghettos were places where they would keep Jews to live, they were very disgusting to live in with low hygiene for them.

2. The Ghettos were in many places like Frankfurt, Rome, Prague, and also other places this is the where our meaning of ghetto originates but it is not a pretty word to use when you think about it....

3.The ghetto's were the only place where they kept the Jews this was the start to them controlling and killing all of them, and it was sad when they just came storming in and killing them all, in the ghetto's the Jews had to wear a type of badge to show they were a Jew and also do labor for the German's.

    4.Their were 3 types of ghetto's closed, opened, and destruction.

    5. The biggest ghetto that their ever was for Jews was the Warsaw it held 400,000 Jews in a small space, this was located in Poland.

    6. The Holocaust was a time were the German's had got rid of Jews because most of the German people had been in a depressed at the time, and they thought that they were better than the Jews and that they needed to be destroyed, this took place from 1939-1945.

    7. The meaning of the word Holocaust comes from the Greek's which means "sacrifice by fire".

    8. The Holocaust was not only the killing so Jews but also Homosexuals, Jehovah's Witness, Roma(Gypsies), The Disabled, Polish, Russian's, and Slavic People.

    9. Their had been 9 million Jews living before the war started in Germany.

    10. Their was about two-thirds of Jews killed by the Germans after the war finished.

    11. About the 200,000 Roma's (Gypsies) were victims as well.

    12. About 200,000 German people that were living in institute for mentally and physically disabled were killed in a Euthanasia......

    13.About two-three million Soviet prisoners died of hunger, sickness, and maltreatment, some were also murdered, also a lot of people would try to smuggle food and other things in to.

    14. Since the beginning of the Nazi Regime they would kill homosexuals, or people that did not match that of the public....

    15. The German's mainly targeted people who were different than their own like people of other religion, and politics most of them dies because they were imprisoned, and starved.

    16. The concentration camps were where the people were the camps where they would put them to keep them detained and monitor them on how they were, mostly Jews were kept here.

17. From the years of 1941-1944 about a million Jews were transported from Germany, and other Allie countries to Ghetto's and Killing Center, known as extermination camps were they would be sent to be killed usually by gas's chambers. They would try to fit as many people into one chamber at a time.

18. When the war was coming closer to an end SS guards would move the inmates by train, and they took a death march.

19. When forces against Germany began to enter Europe they began to let concentration camp prisoners free.

20. The Germans had surrendered on May,7,1945.

21. The day after the surrender which was May,8,1945 World War II was declared over.

22. The soviets had made their own Victory day on May,9,1945, so this all unraveled in that of three days, and that was the end of War World II and the Holocaust.

23. After all of the things that had happened in the Holocaust so many Jews were lost, and this meant that many of the people who lived through it emigrated to other places, this destroyed many of Jewish neighborhoods everywhere.

24. Their had been so many bodies of Jews all over the place when they were trying to clean everything up, it was so sad.

25. From the year's of 1933-1945 they used Nazi camps they were like Ghettos, they would keep them here it could be like a transit camp, or a labor camp to hold for a certain amount of time, then off to extermination camps to be killed in large groups of alone.

26. In 1938 Germany annexed Austria in and they went in and looked for German and Austrian Jews to send them to Dachau, Sachsenhausen, and Buchenwald concentration camps in Germany.

27. The Germans then entered Poland and the Nazi's opened forced labor camps their.

28. At the forced labor camps the prisoners would dies of starvation, exhaustion, and exposure.

29. Nazi doctors would also perform medical experiments on some of the prisoners to find things out, most of them died because the doctors did not know what they were doing hence the word Experiment.

30. After the invasion of the Soviet Union the numbers of the POW camps increased a great deal.

31. The final solution of the Nazi was to begin the mass murders of the Jews.

32. Many places had this going on because of the Nazi's in places like Poland.

33. Ensatzgruppen were German SS guards and personnel police.

34. This group murdered many people of mentally and physically disabled institution's.

35.Jews were not allowed to go to school with non-Jew kids.

36. The women would have to get sterilized.

37. Most mother would have to get abortions.

38. Pregnant women were killed first in the gas chambers.

39. Most people would hide from the SS people to not be taken away.

40. Until today if anyone having to do with the murders of the Holocaust are alive they will be put into jail until they die, which is not that long.

41. People were not allowed to travel throw out the time of the Holocaust.

42. People would eat jewelry that they own to keep the Nazi's from getting them.

43. The survivors of the Holocaust were called displaced people.

44. So many families had been separated through this tragedy.

45. Their were also camps for the survivors of the holocaust called DP camps.

46. The last DP camp closed in 1957.

47. One of the most famous books on the Holocaust is The Diary Of Anne Frank.

48. The Holocaust was a really big Genocide.

49. Genocide is an 8 stage system.

50. Genocide id still happening today in other parts of the world.

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