Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel......

My name would be Hansel and i want to share with you the tale of a selfish women......

It was once my father, my sister Gretel, and my birth mother those were the good times, but my true mother past away and father wanted someone else, but what he found could not possibly be human. Our new stepmother was a selfish old woman who enjoyed the pain and suffering of children, our family was of low income and we could barely afford to buy bread, we would have to use the same clothes for years things were not so good that is why we live in the middle of nowhere it is just easier on all of us. The supply of money was not that good at one time so stepmother wanted to talk to father, so she tucked us in early to do so but i did not care for what she told me she was nothing to me and my sister. So that night i had eavesdropped on their conversation, i over heard her trying to sweet talk my father into leaving us in the forest so that they too could live in peace and have more food for themselves, but sweet old father did not want to he has a big heart especially for his children he would never want to hurt Gretel or myself. That evil old hag had convinced him and made everything seem ok... so those were mine and Gretel's fate for the morning, but i had left out of the door to go get some of the shiny pebbles that shined really bright in the moon's light i took as many as i could so that Gretel and I could find our way back home!

Morning came and so did our step mother did too, she gave me and Gretel a piece of bread each and told us we were venturing into the woods today. So we left and i had been leaving pepples on the path we took, father saw me and asked what i had been doing and i said i was staring back at my cat. My step mother was furious and said that i was ignorant, was the sunlight shining on the chimney. Then we got far away from the house and they said we will be back when we finish cutting enough fire wood for the house you sleep a little until we come back, they started a fire and then left. We both feel asleep, and when we awoke it was night already ad theynever came back for us, Gretel started crying i told her to hush when the moon came up i would take her home. As soon as the mon came out and the light was shinging i could see the pebbles and find our way home. When stepmother opened the door she seemed shocked let us in she tried to seem happy about it but i knew that she wasnt.

Then once again our family went broke and we were running out of food so i overheard my stepmother telling my father to abandon us in the forest again and safe themselves. I tried to go outside that night to collect pebbles again but my stepmother locked the door so i just feel asleep with Gretel that night. She awoke us that morning and took us, i did the same thing the only difference was that i use bread to leave a path since i did not have the pebbles. The fire was lit and they left again i tried to think but feel asleep and when we woke it was already night, i tried to hush Gretel i told her we would find our way once the moonlight came but a bunch of birds had eaten all of the crumbs i left behind so we were now lost.

We walked all night but we could not find our way back home but we could not but we had stumbled on a road and we found a house but it was no ordinary house this house was made of bread, and had windows made out of sugar now me and Gretel surely would not die of hunger.
We had been really startled that we stopped eating when the old woman who owned the house came out, but she was a nice old women she wanted to help us, she took us inside and gave us food and a place to sleep for the night what a wonderful woman. The next morning me and Gretel were awoken by the old woman shaking us it had turned out that she was a wicked witch, she put me in an iron cage alone and made Gretel make me delicious food so that i could get fat. By the time it had been about a month i was not fat i was still skinny but she was hungry so she did not care she told Gretel to boil the water, and heat up the oven she tired to get Gretel to but Gretel pushed her in and died and we went home with some jewels we found at the witchs house and lived happily ever after with our stepmother dead.......

The End!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yea our stepmother was the witch thought you guys would like to know that.....

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