Friday, February 27, 2009

What I Wish From Barack Obama?

What I wish from Barack Obama would be to keep the women’s rights to choose to reproduce or not. I think this is because there are some baby’s that are unwanted in this world, and its very sad that there is this, but we have to think that if we take away a women’s right to choose there are going to be a whole lot of unwanted babies in this world. I would say that a lot of people like to make opinions about women that should not get abortions and stuff, but if you would ask them if they would keep the baby then they would say NO. I think that women really need to have this choice between having the baby and not having the baby, I say this because it is a real life changer to have a baby and that is something that women really have to decide if they want to become a mother or not. What would you say about this topic?

I think this is because there are some baby’s that are unwanted in this world by their parents, and its very sad that there is this, but we have to think that if we take away a women’s right to choose there are going to be a whole lot of unwanted babies in this world. This is a serious issue because every year there are a lot of unwanted babies, and this is the saddest thing because some parents kill their babies or they might leave them to die some where because they really don’t want them. Also, if this thing happens where women do not have the choice to get abortions then if they don’t wan the baby where is t going to go, because eventually they are going to run out of space in the orphanages, so we really need to open our eyes and see the truth in these things. Women should have this choice also because its their body and they are the ones who will be experiencing on having a baby, so I wish Obama agrees with me on the women making the choice. Would you agree with me, or be against me?

I would say that a lot of people like to make opinions about women that should not get abortions and stuff, but if you would ask them if they would keep the baby then they would say NO. This is one thing that I really hate when people try to make choices for other people, but they know that they would not make the choices that they are making for other people for themselves. People now a day could be such hypocrite because they like to say one thing on a really important topic that could change our future but totally do something else. What if the women pregnant with the fetus are not women but young girls, then how would this be, we would be living in a messed up world. People we need to think about this because at the end it is our children at steak!!!!!!

I think that women really need to have this choice between having the baby and not having the baby, I say this because it is a real life changer to have a baby and that is something that women really have to decide if they want to become a mother or not. What if a girl got raped from a weird guy trying to come home from school, and then she finds out that she is pregnant, how would her life change by having the baby, it is just not fair sometimes because they never asked for that incident to happen to them. In these cases we have to think of it as this happening to our own daughters, or sisters, we would not want them to ruin their lives by having the baby because they never had a choice to decide if they really wanted it, and then their would go a smart person. Also, an apposing view point here would be that if the girls don’t have the choice then a lot of our women would be ready to experience the way of giving birth because a lot of people don’t wait to do this, but this would be something good to not to give them a choice because it would scare teens a little to keep it in their pants until marriage. How would you treat this case, you should really think because this is what our future might be like!!

In conclusion, what I wish from Barack Obama would be to keep the women’s rights to choose to reproduce or not. I think this for my three main reasons. I think this is because there are some baby’s that are unwanted in this world, and its very sad that there is this, but we have to think that if we take away a women’s right to choose there are going to be a whole lot of unwanted babies in this world. I would say that a lot of people like to make opinions about women that should not get abortions and stuff, but if you would ask them if they would keep the baby then they would say NO. I think that women really need to have this choice between having the baby and not having the baby, I say this because it is a real life changer to have a baby and that is something that women really have to decide if they want to become a mother or not. What would you do in this situation? What side would you be on? Don’t you think the choice should be up to the women?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Life Changing Event

My life changing event happened in first grade, when I meet my best friend David Rosado for the first time. When I had meet him for the first time we didn't really talk at all we had just been in the same class, but then their was an event that happened that made us start talking a lot. From that day e had became best friends. We had alto of good times together because we would always be talking in class, and just really having a good time in class. I had always helped him with his homework because he asked me too and I wanted got be a good best friend so I would try to help him and he would help me, if he knew something I didn’t know. So we had a really good bond, through out our first grade year.

David and I used to have a lot of fun in class because we would always be goofing around in class, but when it really came down to work we did it or some of it. I mean me and David have been best friends for about 8 or 9 years, the only thing that had happened before was that after first grade me and him had never been in the same classroom again but we would still say hi and bye, but we had never stopped being best friends, but we had started hanging out and talking a lot again this year. Now a days me and him hag out a lot like were really brothers. David and I have had a lot of good memories around this whole neighborhood and even in some other places too. I remember when we went laser tagging for my birthday at the Hip Mall. We had gone with my Aunt, 2 of her friends, and Devin our little cousin. We had so much fun we were chasing each other through out the entire room, and on our last round we were trying to stick together, and help each other out we ended up doing it and having sooo much fun. Good times, Good times.

We have some other memories with our close friend/sister Celeste we all have a lot of fun together except when people start talking pooh pooh, but other than that we always have a good time. I would have to say that this was one of the most life changing things for me because David was my first best friend, but also he is the first best friend that I would consider being really close to besides someone else. I had got my first best friend that was a guy in first grade and it was pretty cool. The best part is that I have someone to talk to about private things, which he could understand and wouldn't say anything bout. When did you get a best friend???? Was it as exciting as my own experiences with my best friend, answer my QUESTION!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents Are The Best Teachers!!!!!

I would have to say that parent’s are the really best teacher’s for three main reasons. My first reason is that parents are the people who raise you and teach you right from wrong.
My second reason is that Parent’s could teach you a lot of things that you could not learn in school, they are the people you spend a lot of time with, out side of school. My last reason is that you spend a lot of time with your parents so you know them, and you could talk to them about a lot of things that you normally could not tell anyone, besides a best friend. What would you say is the better teacher, a real school teacher or a parent, the choice is your’s??????

My first reason is that parents are the people who raise you, and teach you right from wrong. Parents are the people who basically teach you the basics, and are going to love you forever, no matter what and, they teach you a lot of things before you even go to school. You also have a really strong bond with your parents because of how long you have been with them. Parents protect you from harm, and do everything to make sure that your are alright. I think that all parents treat their kids as the most important thing in their LIVES!!!!!!!!

My second reason is that Parent’s could teach you a lot of things that you could not learn in school, they are the people you spend a lot of time with, out side of school. Parents teach their kids how to cook, clean things properly and other things like that, things you use in everyday life. They could also teach you how to have good hygiene, how to walk when you are a baby, really important skills that you need to know to do other things. Parents also show you the best road to success in life because they want the best for their children in life, so they make sure of that. I would say that your parents could teach you things that you would not ever learn in school!!!!

My last reason is that you spend a lot of time with your parents so you know them, and you could talk to them about a lot of things that you normally could not tell anyone, besides a best friend. For example, every kid has secrets that they won’t really trust anyone else with besides their best friend, and parents, so they need important advice that their parent’s could give them.
Parents usually have the best advice and know what they are telling you because most of the time they have gone through the same thing that you have. Last, they are some of the biggest role models in your life, because usually you want to be just like your parents so they play a very important part in your life. Most of the things you do is because you have seen it from someone else!

In conclusion, I think that parents are the best teachers for these three main reasons. My first reason is that parents are the people who raise you and teach you right from wrong. My second reason is that Parent’s could teach you a lot of things that you could not learn in school, they are the people you spend a lot of time with, out side of school. My last reason is that you spend a lot of time with your parents so you know them, and you could talk to them about a lot of things that you normally could not tell anyone, besides a best friend. Do you agree with me????

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

A skill that everyone needs is learning how to speaking English & another language. This is the main thing that I will be focusing on in my writing for this post; The First reason for this is because it is getting even harder to find jobs in America now. Second, you might have to know English plus a second language for a specific job that you may want because of the issue with customers not knowing how to speak this English language. And My Third reason is, that in jobs many times you might be required to do the same thing but in multiple languages so to have this skill it would help you one getting the jobs done, and also getting a job or keeping the job. Wouldn't you agree with this, especially how the world is today???

My first reason is that most business in America now are in neighborhoods that have a specific type of race and most of these races necessarily don't speak English. So a lot of these business look for people that could speak more than one language, a lot of the races that may be in a single neighborhood might be Polish, Puerto Rican, African, and the store knows that if the customers don't know what the seller is saying the store will possibly lose some business. So basically what I am saying is that the Stores or Business look for People that could speak these types of languages so now it is harder to find a steady job or get one at all.

My Second reason, is that many people in the U.S like to have a profession that they have to go to school for and everything, but as I was writing earlier a lot of these places have some really good people working their already. And most of the good people who work their might speak more that just one language which is very helpful. So this is something that could prevent a person from getting the job of their dreams, not only because of the specific needs that the company is looking for but because of how little space their is to work in a place. Another reason it is a good idea to learn a second language aside from English is because it would be a lot easier to find a job, so I would say this is an important skill that everyone needs to make it easier for them to find a good professional job. Do you consider getting a job today is easy or not??????

My Third reason, is that in a job sometimes their are things that you have to do in multiple languages, and if you can not do those things then, it could cost you big time. I would say that because of the lack of the jobs and the problem with companies wanting to hire people that can do things in multiple languages this is a real hassle to either get a job or keep a job. Something’s that usual get involved with speaking another language is the clients because if they are not on the same page as you then they don't really understand what you are trying to do for them then things get screwed up for you. For example, in most cases in the city of Chicago their are a lot of Hispanic, and polish people so many of them don't speak really good English so, they expect everything to be in their own language, so in these cases the language thing would be helpful. So I would have to say this for all of my reasons would you agree with me or what??????

In conclusion, I would say that it is an important skill that everyone needs to get a good job to know English and another language aside from that one. I would feel this way for all of my three reasons. First reason for this is because it is getting even harder to find jobs in America now. Second reason you might have to know English plus a second language for a specific job that you may want because of the issue with customers not knowing how to speak this English language. And My Third reason is, that in jobs many times you might be required to do the same thing but in multiple languages so to have this skill it would help you one getting the jobs done, and also getting a job or keeping the job. Those are my reason on why I think this is an important skill that everyone needs!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

My best day ever had began with a really good morning, i woke up & already knew how this day in particular was going to be good. I had just done most of the stuff that i do everyday for school
take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, & be on my way to school, but the best part about my day doesn't happen until Boys & Girls Club.
I left my house & went to pick up my best friend, & some other people, we were hanging out for a little then came to school to LEARN...... My day was good, but as usual I had received of work with all the other students in my class because were HONORS.

The school day really tired me out & it made me just want to go home, to relax but something about today just made have to go, as a mater of fact i was right about that. I had been chilling with Vanessa & her ex-boyfriend Luis,
When the girl that I happen to like came to sit with us at the table so we all started a conversation it was all going really good with her.
Today was a day were alot of new things that i don't really want to say got discovered between all of us, alot of good things. I had been in such a good mood because of what happened, i couldn't believe it, & what happened later was so much better, I was not expecting it.

All four of us were just hanging the whole time we were at B&G Club, so this made it very exciting & unpredictable on what could happen, but just to say it was nothing much we were all just together talking about some private things.
At the end of B&G Club was the best time out of the whole day because we kind of kissed, and really started talking good, even over the phone.
So My Best Day Ever went something just like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS:This happened a while back.......

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nature Haiku

This Is Paradise
I Would Like To Visit It
One Day In My Life

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Smile

When i looked at her smile, I knew she was up to something. She slowly approached me, & that's was when i knew it was time to run. She chased me through out the entire school, I was wondering what she wanted, & then i though to my self, & remembered that she was the girl that liked me, & she said she would stop at nothing to have me. She must have been out of her mind, I couldn't, she was hideous, pimples around her mouth, a really awful smell that smelled kind of like pee, and a really bad over bite, i was not looking for her at all.

For the rest of the school day I tried to avoid her, because if she would try to ask, me out i would have to tell her off!!!! My plan didn't work because she found me and came up to me and asked "Can you sing this, its for the school newspaper, & we want all of the student's signature's". I felt so stupid she didn't even like me anymore I guess I learned my lesson, not to judge a person for what they did or wanted in the past, but for what they want & do now! Now for the rest of my years at Blane-Tech High I would try and be a better person & not get so worked up about things like that because you never know what could happen, and it could be for the best or maybe for the worst, but i know if it dose happen it was just meant to be.

Now me and the Sarah the former hideous girl are dating and we are very happy together, she had totally changed over the next couple of months, I mean i have to break some necks because the other guys always have their eyes glued to her. I still can't believe that all of this stuff started off with that weird and funny look that she gave me back about 2 years ago, but now look i changed and opened doors to new girls, that I never imagined being with. I guess this was just meant to be, so be it!!!!!!!!!!!! Now i think back to when i started at Blane-Tech High & noticed how different i am now that i've meet new people, and opned doors for new expeiences, & now i would say tht life is going better for me becausei am not stuck in my own little world, now i am open to alot of new things. Now i am willing to try new things.

When I started High school it was tough trying to be a jock and stuff but now that I have found Sarah she has taught me the true meaning of life and opened new doors, I try to thank her everyday. I try to by telling her of her beauty, laugh, loving, & all the wonderful things that she is & can do. I can't believe that all of this happened because of HER SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things I Want To Do In My Lifetime

1. Become wealthy before 18
2. Become a singer/actor
3. Meet some of my idols
4. Write and film my own movies
5. Make my own record label
6. Go to all 50 states
7. Visit Europe, Spain, Italy
8. Go to Collage
9. Have my own show
10.Invent something that would become famous
11. Find true love
12. Get married
13. Have kids someday
14. Graduate from high school
15. Go to Senior Prom
16. Go to the Bahama's & swim in the ocean there
17. Go Skydiving
18. Have my own concert tour
19. Go to other people/bands concert tours
20. Have my family living good
21. Raise wonderful kids
22. Learn other language
23. Meet/Marry Demi Lovato
24. Get my drivers license/plus first car
25. Get pilot's license