Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

A skill that everyone needs is learning how to speaking English & another language. This is the main thing that I will be focusing on in my writing for this post; The First reason for this is because it is getting even harder to find jobs in America now. Second, you might have to know English plus a second language for a specific job that you may want because of the issue with customers not knowing how to speak this English language. And My Third reason is, that in jobs many times you might be required to do the same thing but in multiple languages so to have this skill it would help you one getting the jobs done, and also getting a job or keeping the job. Wouldn't you agree with this, especially how the world is today???

My first reason is that most business in America now are in neighborhoods that have a specific type of race and most of these races necessarily don't speak English. So a lot of these business look for people that could speak more than one language, a lot of the races that may be in a single neighborhood might be Polish, Puerto Rican, African, and the store knows that if the customers don't know what the seller is saying the store will possibly lose some business. So basically what I am saying is that the Stores or Business look for People that could speak these types of languages so now it is harder to find a steady job or get one at all.

My Second reason, is that many people in the U.S like to have a profession that they have to go to school for and everything, but as I was writing earlier a lot of these places have some really good people working their already. And most of the good people who work their might speak more that just one language which is very helpful. So this is something that could prevent a person from getting the job of their dreams, not only because of the specific needs that the company is looking for but because of how little space their is to work in a place. Another reason it is a good idea to learn a second language aside from English is because it would be a lot easier to find a job, so I would say this is an important skill that everyone needs to make it easier for them to find a good professional job. Do you consider getting a job today is easy or not??????

My Third reason, is that in a job sometimes their are things that you have to do in multiple languages, and if you can not do those things then, it could cost you big time. I would say that because of the lack of the jobs and the problem with companies wanting to hire people that can do things in multiple languages this is a real hassle to either get a job or keep a job. Something’s that usual get involved with speaking another language is the clients because if they are not on the same page as you then they don't really understand what you are trying to do for them then things get screwed up for you. For example, in most cases in the city of Chicago their are a lot of Hispanic, and polish people so many of them don't speak really good English so, they expect everything to be in their own language, so in these cases the language thing would be helpful. So I would have to say this for all of my reasons would you agree with me or what??????

In conclusion, I would say that it is an important skill that everyone needs to get a good job to know English and another language aside from that one. I would feel this way for all of my three reasons. First reason for this is because it is getting even harder to find jobs in America now. Second reason you might have to know English plus a second language for a specific job that you may want because of the issue with customers not knowing how to speak this English language. And My Third reason is, that in jobs many times you might be required to do the same thing but in multiple languages so to have this skill it would help you one getting the jobs done, and also getting a job or keeping the job. Those are my reason on why I think this is an important skill that everyone needs!!!!!!

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