Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words!!!!!

The times were hard my mother had to rough it out in the fields of our farms because ma' Papa had left us for another women who had some money. My name is Joe, ma Mama's name is Nicole she was a heck f a Ma she had to take care of me and ma other brothers and sister Jack, Joseph, and Shalna, plus her own mother Lucy. Mama gets up at 6:00 a.m to work out in the fields managing the crops, making business selling them, managing the horse and other animals on our small farm. I often try to help her but i have to stay in and help Maw ma take care of ma siblings, Maw ma would love to sit on the window Sile and watch Mama work while she knitted. Now, it was early February,and I would be counting the days inside the house that is until ma favorite Uncle Rem would come to stay with us. Uncle Rem was living out in the city he was an architect with all of them sky scrappers being built he figured it would be worth his wild to go and look for work building too, he was always the most adventurous out of all his siblings!

February was a good month for Mama's business she had been able to sell so many crops I'm guessing this was in high demand. Mama also got to Cook up some of the pigs and sell them to the locals for party's and stuff, and she made so much money that we could finally afford the Luxury Windows that we always wanted. Mama and I were getting ready to go to buy the windows "Hello"

"Yes Ma'am"

"I would like to purchase your finest luxury windows please em' "

"OK, We have some choices we have cherry wood, Pine wood, or our most expensive Golden wood"

"I wanna' take, the cherry wood, Cherry is a family favorite!"

"OK take ya' Ma'am that would be $50"

"Here you go, OK have a nice day ya' hear, and take care' "

"Alright then thank ya', you take care you hear" "

"Come on Joe we have to hurry home"
"Alright mama I'm right hear' "

The next day mama woke up at 5:00 a.m to go and install the luxury window, they looked so nice.

Now it was the first day of spring only 2 more days until Uncle Rem would get to our house, i was so excited. My mom was working extra hard for the next 2 days to get enough money so that she could buy all the food that she wanted. Mom had managed to sell a lot of crops around this time and she had gained $100 now we could get everything we wanted. Ma mama had gone to the market and bought meat loaf, cheese, tea, lemonade, and the ingredients to make a really good cherry pie yum i could already taste that delicious food. Mama started cooking as soon as she walked in through the door and all of the food smelled good! It was the first day of spring and it was sunny and hot outside we had our dog inside so that he too could greet Uncle Rem when he got home. The food was read and just minutes before Uncle Rem had walked in through the door we all yelled his name in excitement, we all ate our food but i was kind of slow but hungry, but Uncle Rem went around the house to look at our scenery and he was really impressed by our luxury windows and how we had all of our figures organized. My little brother Jack was just looking dumb as always waiting for Maw ma to cut him some bread, Mama was feeding our beautiful white horse Lucinda, Shalna was just complaining about the food as always, and Joseph was quiet in his crib as always, but i was happy to finally have our family put back together after all of this time!!!!!!!!!!THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1. When people scratch silver ware together
2. When people act tough
3. When people think they are right all the time
4. People who talk during a movie
5. When other boys touch me inappropriately
6. People who don't flush the toilet
7. People who have ring worm
8. Too many piercings
9. Make fun of people's names
10. People talk with their mouths full
11. When people fart in your face
12. When someone stalks me
13. When people yell and your right next to them
14. When they talk about my mom
15 When people lie about serious things
16. When people give me dirty looks
17. If I run out of toilet paper in the bath room
18. When people eavesdrop
19. People who prank call but don't say anything
20. If someone looks through my phone
21. If someone says they don't like something but never tried it
22. People punch me out of nowhere
23. People give advice but they don't take it themselves
24. People go in my room with out my permission
25. When people try to sing but they can't

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friends's deepest darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. My best friends name was Aiden he had always told me everything about his life or anything that he needed advice on, and now he wasw planning on telling me this I tried to imagine what it would be and try to plan a reaction. I couldn't think of anything that he would tell me that was that bad because He wasn't a bad person he always did good things. Now I was at school and I herd Aiden was there too and i was looking for him but her didn't turn up, i felt as if he was avoiding me because he wanted to keep the secret to himself but that was his business i was not going to force him if he was not ready to tell me. So then later that day i ended up bumping into him in the hall and before i could even ask him what was wrong he ran away. Now i had felt as if i had to help him or make him tell me because i knew something good was not going up, the only thing that i could think of was him wanting to run away.

Now, a couple of days have passed and Aiden did not turn up at school, I was becoming worried because that was my best friend and if something had happened to him i would kill my self. I have known Aiden for about 10 years we just started talking again but we still tell each other everything or give each other advice on things that we can't make decisions on by ourselves, but anyways if he did not turn up in the next couple of days then i knew something was up. For the next couple of weeks their were no shows from him until the first of March the day the FCAT began. After the test i told him that we needed to talk and i asked him what had been up, and he told me he was not going to lie, but honestly i wish he would have lied.
"OK Ernie there has been somethings happening at my house with my Mom and Step-Dad."
Like What!
"Well they have not been getting along and he hits her."
Are you dead serious why didn't you tell me earlier have
you told anyone because you have to.
" No, i wasn't even suppose to tell you, he said if i said anything
that my Mom was going to pay the price."
Dose he beat her really bad.
"Yes, thats why I've been gone because he threw her down the stairs and she broke her left arm, and has really bad bruses."
You have to contact someone and let them know what is going on.
"NO, and you have to promise me that you won't tell a soul."
I prosmise.
"OK thanks atleast i can trust someone."
Alright then I'lll talk to you later.

Later that night, I got home and thought if i should tell or not. I had made my decision his mom was too much of a nice person to be treated like garbage. The next day at school i told the school counserler and she said she was going to handle the whole case, Aiden on the other hand said thank you to me i was shocked he said i did what any great best friend would do. This was something that brought us closer than ever we are inseprable now, and as for his Step-Dad, i hope he'll like doing 3-4 years in jail.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned the case. I was detective Joe Hansen I was one of the best on the force and I knew this was going to be a good one I could feel that it was going to take me go through some twist to find out who would commit such a crime. In her own home, 21 year old Jenna Thompson’s mutilated body had been found, She was young beautiful but her life had been taken by someone that must of envied everything she had, but one question would be why would they murder her on her 21 birthday why not 18 or something they must have been planning this out for years. I was trying to find some evidence in the place that the murder occurred with the autopsy only a couple of days away I wanted to try to get something’s to be analyzed in the lab. I was searching all around the place that the crime had taken place, but I did find something’s around where the body was found I had gained the sight of a simple blond hair which i was going to take in to be examined the crazy thing about this was that Jenna did not have blond hair no one in her family did so I suppose the killer must be a friend, then I had seen that their was a struggle of her trying to break free from the killer's grasp because all of her chairs had been thrown around all over the places and their was some broken glass on the floor. This was already becoming difficult because the killer had been smart to plan out the murder on the day of her party that way everyone would have touched something so we could not be able to pin the evidence on someone directly.

Now it was time for the autopsy I had brought her Mother, Father, and best friend Merissa. I asked them simple questions like was she a drinker and her parents answered yes, and I asked if she had been drinking that night they answered a couple of drinks but not enough to get her drunk. Then I took Merissa to a room and asked her if Jenna had done any type of drug that night that she was aware of? Merissa said that Jenna was not involved in any type of drug and if she was on any she was not aware of it!

So I went to tell go tell her Mother, Father, and Merissa the result of the autopsy the autopsy had reported that their had been beer and ecstasy pills involved in her body within about 2-hours after the party began, also in her body there was little pieces of glass in side of her intestines which would have caused the one thing that she died from internal bleeding this also explained the broken pieces of glass on the floor at her house. I was fascinated how someone could have done this with out a complaint for the noise of struggling with the victim, but who ever did this planed it out good.The only person that I could think of that could know every move Jenna was going to make the first person I suspected was Josh her boyfriend I thought it was a good match he also had blond hair so I took him in for questioning!

So Josh when was the last time you saw Jenna, the last time I her was ummmm aaaaabout 3 hours before her murder!Why did you take a while their boy...Ummmm it is hard for me to think under all this stuff..What are you scared that ill find out the truth that you killed Jenna I know you did we all know you did just admit it you killed her you Josh killed your girlfriend Jenna Thompson on her 21 birthday admit it!!!!! Admit it!!!!!!!!!!SHUT UP!!!!!!!!SHUT UP!!!!!!! I DIDNT DO ANYTHINGthen why are you so worked up about this.BECAUSE MY GIRLFRIEND WAS JUST MURDERED YOU DAMMM JERK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK then you are free to go Josh I am terribly sorry for your lose, you know that was just part of my job I had to do that to see if you would crack and you didn't so go on and enjoy your freedom.Even though I let him go I still had my eye on him I just had to see if it was him I mean it all matched up all the evidence he has blond hair, his finger prints were the only other ones matched on Jenna's cup the night of the party so I wanted to see what he might be p to this time because the evidence I had was still not enough to bring him down. Some of the things that he was up to were kind of convincing first I spotted him going to a Church so I followed him in. He was going to a confessional I was wondering what he could be telling the priest but I knew he couldn't tell me, then nothing was suspicious except the last stop. I had followed him to Jenna's house so after he came out I cuffed him and put him in for questioning again.

Josh some one man be straight up with me I know there is something that your not telling me and ifyou say it now there could be a chance that you might not be in that much trouble.Fine this is going to be kind of embarrassing I had been over her house about 2 hours before the party started and I was talking asking her to come and move in with me to my university. I had just decided to go to college and so did she so I left her my info that way she knew what to do, with the application. That was what I was doing over her house getting my information to mail it in.I don't know would you happen to have the information on you. Yes can you show it to me?Yes, her it isOk let me look over it...Alright you free to go but you are not out of this case until it is solved ok so be good.Now i was really wondering who the murder could be, their was no one else that could be matched to the evidence that I found. Wait a minute I never got the hair that I found at the crime scene analyzed maybe it could be someone else. Ummmm Rob can I get that blond hair from the Jenna Thompson case analyzed right away!Yes Joe I’m on it!Now I was going to go back, back to where everything started and try to point out how everything would have started. Ok if the Party ended at exactly midnight, and the murder happened about 12:30 p.m then whoever slipped the ex into her drink must have done it exactly when the party was over that way the pills could start to work and make Jenna hallucinate by that time of the murder. Everything was exact, whoever did this must have stood in the house. Rob are the results in.Yes, the blond hair that you found on the crime scene is fake, it is like from some sort of wig.Then it hit me of course the killer is not going to show up to a party with their true identity they were trying to hide something. I went to the Thompson’s house and asked if anyone who had attended the party was not suppose to be there."Yes there had been a very unusual women there that kept trying to talk to Jenna she had blondish hair".Then it came to me was Josh talking to that woman."Yes"Was Merissa there?"No unfortunately she was down with a bad headache so she stayed home". Why"? No reason, but something has come up ill call if I have anything else!"Ok then Joe be safe and thanks for all of your help".

Merissa Marie Adams 3209 N. March st."ding""ding""ding"Is anyone home!!! its Detective Joe Hansen.HELLO!!!!!! "I could hear the foot steps even from where I was standing but no one would answer the door."I'm coming in."BOOM""BOOM"Merissa what are you doing. come to me now please I need to ask you some questions."But why Joe the fun hasn't even started"."CRACK"BLACK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merissa is that you."Yes"Why Merissa why would you kill you best friend?"Because Joe she was a pain i had to pick up the slack, but yet she was the popular one, funny, one, and pretty one and that she is gone no one is standing in my spot light"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How did you do it?"It was easy I drugged her up, then when everyone left, I came out by surprise, but she had been hallucinating already and I broke the table put glass on her mouth and gagged her. Then I cut her up so she could feel my pain"....Wow what a best friend well your going to fry in jail."Yea I don't think so bye Joe".

"Merissa""What now, oh snap""Crack" Josh help me get out of these ropes please. "No if Jenna had to die then so will you, bye have fun in the after life"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!I had never given much thought to how I would die, but I guess it was meant for me!!!!I died before I could give the name of the killer........................

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How To Make Logandale Better

I think there are three main ways to improve the school. I think that there could be more activities like exploratory classes. They could also have more after school programs and sports to make more athletic kids want to come and not leave the school. Last, they could get more involved with the students so they could be prepared better for tests and stuff. What would you do to improve Logandale?????

First, I think that a simple way to improve Logandale is to have more exploratory classes. I think that many kids get bored of repeating the same three, but if we had more choices then the students would be ok because they could look forward to something else. In Logandale many of the exploratory teachers are rude and say things but they can’t admit they said it! I think that is wrong and that is why a lot of kids leave or get tired of going to that class. We should have more to get kids excited to do something else. Exploratory is suppose to be a kind of fun class, but not everyone has fun because they don’t feel good with doing the same thing over.

Second, they could also have more after school programs and sports to make more athletic kids want to come and not leave the school. A lot of kids like to spend their time after school doing fun stuff instead of being bored. Most kids like to play sports and get into a lot of things but sometimes a lot of the sports we want to play don’t get played. Last, when most kids don’t like the environment they are in they sometimes leave to try and find one that they will like and maybe that is something that is happening because they don’t get some of the stuff they ask for. MOST KIDS WANT TO BE HEARD ON WHAT THEY LIKE!!!!!!!!!

Last, they could get more involved with the students so they could be prepared better for tests and stuff. In some classes teachers think that students get it but some don’t know, and teachers don’t always make sure that the kids understand. A lot of kids end up failing on test because they are not always well prepared but then the teachers blame the student for not paying attention, and a lot of students don’t really like that. So if some teachers could help more students and be a little more involved in helping the students so they could help them understand what they are doing. Would you agree?????

I think that Logandale could be improved for these three main reasons. I think that there could be more activities like exploratory classes. They could also put more after school programs and sports to make more athletic kids want to come and not leave the school. Last, they could get more involved with the students so they could be prepared better for tests and stuff. What would you so to improve Logandale?????

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ernie's Life Story

I remember the day that my beautiful son Ernesto was born. It was a cold Christmas Eve day and i was experiencing excoriating pain, I had never given so much thought on how the pain would be but this was a great challenge to get that sucker out of me. I mean when I was younger I would love to play House with my older sister Margie we loved to be the housewives with the children it had always been my dream to have a child, but i never imagined that my dream come true. I was not able to have children because of my diabetes, so i had been very sad but after my brother Ernesto had died of a private reason i had found out i was pregnant this was wonderful because i had made a promise to my brother to name my son after him and now that he was born into this world he has the honor of having the name Ernesto.

It was such a beautiful moment painful but beautiful because everyone that I loved and was close to was there My sister Margie, My father, Mother, Brother, Husband Carlos, and i even flt as if my brother's spirit had been there with me guiding me through the whole thing.Everyone was sooooo excited when i came home the same night after giving labor because he was the newest edition to our family, that might my Mother and Father were throwing a Christmas Party soo everyone was there family, friends, just everyone. It was a cool day because everyone got to join in on my sons first day in this world, and from that day i knew my son Ernesto was a special boy.

The first couple of months with a baby were OK but stressful because we could not sleep had to be waking up in the middle of the night, we would always worry if something was wrong with him or something it is a very hard road to raising a child especially trying to make sire they come out good. Ernie was a smart kid from the age of 1 he had already started saying little words like "Mama, and Papa" i was so excited to get him to start talking and walking. Ernie started walking a couple of months after he turned a year old it was a very exciting moment in my life to see my own son walk around.

At age two he was learning simple things like reading some words out of books with my help of course, I did this because i wanted him to be prepared because as soon as he was five he would be in school. The oddest thing was potty training him, he would just love to wear his diapers we would literally have to fight with him to make him understand that he had to learn how to use it in a toilet. I can remember this one thing " My husband Carlos was going to change Ernie's diaper one day and Ernie got a little cold i guess and pied all over the place well more on his Father". We all had a lot of good times together and that is a memorie that i will never forget about my baby boy Ernie. I think that I did a good job raising my son and I pray to god that he will never change on me because I would feel so much disappointment in him, but now a days in our lives he is good and well behaved I am a proud parent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!