Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words!!!!!

The times were hard my mother had to rough it out in the fields of our farms because ma' Papa had left us for another women who had some money. My name is Joe, ma Mama's name is Nicole she was a heck f a Ma she had to take care of me and ma other brothers and sister Jack, Joseph, and Shalna, plus her own mother Lucy. Mama gets up at 6:00 a.m to work out in the fields managing the crops, making business selling them, managing the horse and other animals on our small farm. I often try to help her but i have to stay in and help Maw ma take care of ma siblings, Maw ma would love to sit on the window Sile and watch Mama work while she knitted. Now, it was early February,and I would be counting the days inside the house that is until ma favorite Uncle Rem would come to stay with us. Uncle Rem was living out in the city he was an architect with all of them sky scrappers being built he figured it would be worth his wild to go and look for work building too, he was always the most adventurous out of all his siblings!

February was a good month for Mama's business she had been able to sell so many crops I'm guessing this was in high demand. Mama also got to Cook up some of the pigs and sell them to the locals for party's and stuff, and she made so much money that we could finally afford the Luxury Windows that we always wanted. Mama and I were getting ready to go to buy the windows "Hello"

"Yes Ma'am"

"I would like to purchase your finest luxury windows please em' "

"OK, We have some choices we have cherry wood, Pine wood, or our most expensive Golden wood"

"I wanna' take, the cherry wood, Cherry is a family favorite!"

"OK take ya' Ma'am that would be $50"

"Here you go, OK have a nice day ya' hear, and take care' "

"Alright then thank ya', you take care you hear" "

"Come on Joe we have to hurry home"
"Alright mama I'm right hear' "

The next day mama woke up at 5:00 a.m to go and install the luxury window, they looked so nice.

Now it was the first day of spring only 2 more days until Uncle Rem would get to our house, i was so excited. My mom was working extra hard for the next 2 days to get enough money so that she could buy all the food that she wanted. Mom had managed to sell a lot of crops around this time and she had gained $100 now we could get everything we wanted. Ma mama had gone to the market and bought meat loaf, cheese, tea, lemonade, and the ingredients to make a really good cherry pie yum i could already taste that delicious food. Mama started cooking as soon as she walked in through the door and all of the food smelled good! It was the first day of spring and it was sunny and hot outside we had our dog inside so that he too could greet Uncle Rem when he got home. The food was read and just minutes before Uncle Rem had walked in through the door we all yelled his name in excitement, we all ate our food but i was kind of slow but hungry, but Uncle Rem went around the house to look at our scenery and he was really impressed by our luxury windows and how we had all of our figures organized. My little brother Jack was just looking dumb as always waiting for Maw ma to cut him some bread, Mama was feeding our beautiful white horse Lucinda, Shalna was just complaining about the food as always, and Joseph was quiet in his crib as always, but i was happy to finally have our family put back together after all of this time!!!!!!!!!!THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. good story bro i liked it a lot keep it up and maybe you could become a writer if you want

    good story

    shut up

  2. nice story yeahh
    become a writer
    that gets reputable character
    very good wrting skills lad keep it up.


  4. I love that u used diolage in ur story Big Bro

    -Lil sis Amulet

  5. good story ernie
    i liked it!

  6. Cool story, :) i like how you wrote the ways in how they used to talk

  7. i like how you talk in the characters voice
    nice job ^_-
