Monday, March 16, 2009

Ernie's Life Story

I remember the day that my beautiful son Ernesto was born. It was a cold Christmas Eve day and i was experiencing excoriating pain, I had never given so much thought on how the pain would be but this was a great challenge to get that sucker out of me. I mean when I was younger I would love to play House with my older sister Margie we loved to be the housewives with the children it had always been my dream to have a child, but i never imagined that my dream come true. I was not able to have children because of my diabetes, so i had been very sad but after my brother Ernesto had died of a private reason i had found out i was pregnant this was wonderful because i had made a promise to my brother to name my son after him and now that he was born into this world he has the honor of having the name Ernesto.

It was such a beautiful moment painful but beautiful because everyone that I loved and was close to was there My sister Margie, My father, Mother, Brother, Husband Carlos, and i even flt as if my brother's spirit had been there with me guiding me through the whole thing.Everyone was sooooo excited when i came home the same night after giving labor because he was the newest edition to our family, that might my Mother and Father were throwing a Christmas Party soo everyone was there family, friends, just everyone. It was a cool day because everyone got to join in on my sons first day in this world, and from that day i knew my son Ernesto was a special boy.

The first couple of months with a baby were OK but stressful because we could not sleep had to be waking up in the middle of the night, we would always worry if something was wrong with him or something it is a very hard road to raising a child especially trying to make sire they come out good. Ernie was a smart kid from the age of 1 he had already started saying little words like "Mama, and Papa" i was so excited to get him to start talking and walking. Ernie started walking a couple of months after he turned a year old it was a very exciting moment in my life to see my own son walk around.

At age two he was learning simple things like reading some words out of books with my help of course, I did this because i wanted him to be prepared because as soon as he was five he would be in school. The oddest thing was potty training him, he would just love to wear his diapers we would literally have to fight with him to make him understand that he had to learn how to use it in a toilet. I can remember this one thing " My husband Carlos was going to change Ernie's diaper one day and Ernie got a little cold i guess and pied all over the place well more on his Father". We all had a lot of good times together and that is a memorie that i will never forget about my baby boy Ernie. I think that I did a good job raising my son and I pray to god that he will never change on me because I would feel so much disappointment in him, but now a days in our lives he is good and well behaved I am a proud parent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I didn't know that's how you got ur name.

    You need to add some commas and peroids.

  2. i like it. u realy do dound like ur mom is telling the story.
