Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"The Outcasts Of Poker Flat...."

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts' deaths, who/what would you blame and why?
-Uncle Billy
-Citizens of Poker Flat
-bad luck

I would have to blame the citizens of Poker Flat. In my opinion i feel this way because it was a kind of stupid reason to through someone out of you community because they are a prostitute, drunk, or gambler at least if you want to teach them a lesson make a law saying you can not do these things or something. All of these people were not all that bad they made mistakes, but that dose not matter they are only human too we have to respect that. If Poker Flat really did care about all of the people they would not kick them out but try to help them become better people for the community. Poker Flat seems like the type of community that has a lot of problems and now after such a long time they want to make it a better place to live in, but every community has problems, screw up and stuff. The point that i am trying to make is that if the people would have been able to stay in the community of Poker Flat they would not have see Tom and Piney, they would have never died, and they would all still be alive and well back in Poker Flat.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

Desiree's Baby: I enjoyed this story because it has many interesting things to read about it includes things about slavery and stuff which is good to look up on. In this story it focuses so much on the color of someones skin which really dose not matter, but back then they seemed to care about it so much. I enjoyed it because Arman has a family but he treats them like crap and even wants them to leave his home, then he tries to burn everything that they touched. The cool thing was that at the end of the story after him accusing so much he got what he deserved by finding out he was the one out of the two that was black not Desiree and that is why their baby looked the way that he did, i like this story because it takes you through twist and turns and leaves you speechless.

The Story Of An Hour: This was also an amazing story because it is so well thought out and planned ahead. You get into this women's life where she is so unhappy and miserable and she finds out that her husband has passed on, and you would expect her to be sad and crying but this story takes the turn for something a little crazy but cool. She is happy that her husband is dead and it is kind of freaky, but we understand that he held her back so she now wants to plan out he rest of her long life alone. This story is something else very mysterious because at the end she dies because she sees that he was never dead all the doctors tell him it was from the joy of seeing him, i like how you think one thing is going to happen when really Kate has this all planned out to leave you stumped.

The Blind Man: This was good because it focuses on Ablism. I like this story because this man that is blind but not only that but not smart too is never taken care of or helped by anyone, throughout the entire story he lives not knowing anything really and he stands out side of a wealthy mans house, but because the wealthy man wants nothing to do with a poor man he gives the blind man a box of pencils to go sell. The blind man tries hard to sell but he dosen't sell anything most of the people feel bad for him but don't do anything because they don't really want to do anything with someone thjat has a disability and is at a different class level. At the end the man gets across the street without haveing eye sight, when the wealthy man hets hit by the car so things get nixed up at the end of the story.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr.Heidegger's Experiment

As i prepared all four of these friends the sparkling water that would bring back there young age i told hem to think about about what they would do with a second chance but they seemed so eager to drink it that i thought this was going to be fun to watch. As they put there wrinkly old lips on to the cups they began to change as soon as the water had gone down their throats in less than minutes their wrinkles were lifted,their cheeks turned rosy red and they looked younger.

All i could do was wait to see what they wanted to do next, knowing how these people were all they would want to do is use their 2nd chance to relive their old days. The one to come up to me was Widow Wycherly she asked me for some more water and begged me for more, i explain that i took care of it all and poured the four cups to the exact amount for them all ready and she was so excited. Once again they aged backwards cheeks even brighter and all of them looking stuning. All of this stated by my rose that had been brought back to life and now so have they. Yet again they asked for more i gave it to them and now thye looked as if they were in their 20 years but wearing the most repalsive clothes for the aged hey looked.
Now they were all hyped up and they were starting their lives the same way they did the first time,Widoe Wycherly never changed trying to make fun of me because of my age by trying to ak me to dance, i told her to dance with the other fine gentlemen in the room. They all wanted to be in Widow Wycherly's pants andshe wanted all three of them as well she was still the same old woman she had always been before and she or any of the other people would never change. They had been dancing with her and arguing and tyhen they had bummbed into the table where my rose was with the vase, and knock it to the floor to be broken then the flower stared to die and srivil up, then so did they by turing into old people again. I had conducted my experiment and that was all i needed , they were furious and where going in search of the fountain itself.
The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's Baby, The Sequel.....

Armand Aubigny had stayed in shock after reading the note, He tried to keep his grip on it but the swift and powerful wind took the note from his hands. That same night Armand Aubigny had gone to find Desiree and wanted talk to her about what he called his repulsive origin, Armand got to Desiree's mothers house and went straight into the room with her.

"Hello my wonderful wife that I love so much"

" What is going on i am of nothing to you you mistreated me and tried calling me of that race that had nothing wrong with them "But why" "why" are you here trying to call me as if I were still yours?"

"I realized that i really do love you for who you are and not for the race that you belong to, i want you to come back home to live with me you and the baby."

" No that is not what i am asking you, why are you trying to apologise what had come over you all of a sudden?"
" It is hard to explain!"

" Well when you are ready to talk to me about what is going on you and come back and talk unless you are ready now?"

"Fine, i made a mistake baby i was burning all of the things that you and the baby had touched
and i found a note a really disturbing one!"

Tears began to roll down Armand's face when he began to explain to Desiree.

" Ok the letter was from my mother to my father it stated that it would be a shame that my son would never know that he belongs to the race cursed with slavery!"

"Oh my lord i am so sorry baby i still love you and will be willing to move back in with you i don't care for what race you come from because love has no color or boundaries!"

"Thank you my love you, also can this be our little secret?"

A couple of moths later Desiree had found out that she was pregnant with yet another child from her long time love Armand Aubigny.....
The End!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers For Algernon......

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? Why or why not? Use examples from the story.
If i had a choice to have that operation, I would not be willing to do the operation especially of my own knowing of it only being temporary. My first reason is that why take an operation that is going to make me super smart I would not be normal because in reality no one is that smart be can become intelligent but by learning and taking time to get all of that knowledge. Why would i want to be smart and feel all of that knowledge going through my brain and absorbing all of it if i know that one day it is all going to be gone.
Second, What would it be worth for me getting some smart people to open up my head do some kind of operation to fix me up in their, but if it will only last a while then what would be the point of going through all of that trouble by the time i would learn all of the things that i need to learn my days of being intelligent would be numbered. Those are my two resons why i would not take the operation!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case If Benjamin Button, Chapters 8-The End

Family- In the story of Benjamin Button the way they describe family is a total different way than we think of the meaning Family. In the way we learn about what the word Family means we learn that it is a group of people that stick together and have unconditional love for each other but in the story that is not what the word Family even means at all. In the story Benjamin's father is so wrong he is so worried because his son is not young, and dose not appear attractive because he is an old man so they feel that they can't love him. His Father is not like most he would be kind of ashamed of Benjamin because he care so much about what other people think about him and he should not care, so by him taking it to an extreme level he doesn't consider Benjamin his son, He doesn't show him the love of a father which is wrong. Also Benjamin is such a nice person he tries to please his father by doing everything that his father tells him, Benjamin was just born as this type of person and he loves his father and he wants for his father to love him the way that he loves his father and that is why he tries so hard.

Age- This story takes a big twist because of how Benjamin ages he is born an old man but he seems to go through the aging process but backwards. Age is like the most important thing in this story because that is what his father Roger mostly focuses on when he meets Benjamin for the first time he is so shocked and dose not want to admit that Benjamin is really his son, so Roger is in denial by everything that had happened in the time that he meet Benjamin.It is kind of funny because it take so long for him to learn to love his son and it dose not happen until his son is aging, with most people they love their kids not matter what even if they are not the same be cause everyday that someone is born they are different no one id the same.

Beauty- This is a big part too because they consider people to be beautyful in the book and these are the people who have alot of attention they tend to be what they call normal, but since Benjamin has this sickness he dose not have beuty really what old person with out surgery dose so this plays an important part in the story because their really is no one who wants to be around old people especially when they are suppose to be a new born baby that is something that is just unnatural.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, Chapters 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give you solutions for each.

The first problem i think that Benjamin is going to face is his wife and kids because Benjamin is not like a normal person he is different but it is ok, but anyways he is not gettin any older but younger while his family gets older so this make him not really want a family and he might become irratated because he would want to be out exploring and doing cool things but he will have to be stuck with his family which is not what a oung person really wants to do. Bejamin has been living in a mixed up world since he was born not having the love of his father or other and not really geting to do anything or be himself so now that he is getting older he would probably in his parents love over get to go and explore new things and basically live life without any of his old worries.
Second, i would have to say that while Benjamin is in the army he wont really get to be in touch with his fmily that much anymore and wjho knows what could happen whle he is gone, his wife could get a sicknss and she could die leaving their son alone without any of his parents. Also his mother or father could pass away at any time wile he is away because they or that age already and if something like this would happen he would probably be shattered and depressed for sometime in his life, I think that this might because if the fact that his parents are old and it might be their time to go and then what would Bejamin do?

Last, WHile Benjamin is away at war in Cuba his son will only be raised by his mother and as we all know mothers can do many things but they can't really repremand theirs sons if they are not strong at heart, and i think that Benjamins son will start to get into problems with other kids and not really care anymore because he would think everything is his way. Wiht his son getting in to so much trouble that he could get into it with someone and possibly lose his life. I think that these things might actually happen because sometimes bad things happen to good people!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks & is worried about what people are going
to say. What should he do?
I think that Roger should just go out there and basically mind his own business just because people know who you are and ask you question dose not mean that you have to answer them, and that is a something I think Roger has to do if he wants to pass up his personal embarrassment about his son being this 70 year old man. For me I would say he should accept it and if people ask tell them the truth but if that is the way he feels in the story I think he should just act as if he dose not hear anyone asking him who the old man is. If Roger is so worried about that then he could just tell people that the old man is his father to find another way to share a kind of family bond and not totally disown him as a son.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in
Chapter 1?
Well if i had been Roger Button in chapter 1 I would have probably been freaked out and yelled out horrid scream and told the nurse that he was not my son and that they made a really bad mistake. After a while though of me cooping with the fact that this had happened and that he was really my son, I eventually would have to face that fact that it actually was reality and not some ridiculous joke.In my own train of though i believe that i would take him into my home and raise him as my son because no matter what he is always going to be mine, my blood and everything and family dose not back down on each other. I think i would have done things differently than Roger because its not right for you not to love someone just because of the way they look especially you knowing that you created them it is more of your fault for being noisy and having the kid so why not show them the love no matter what, that is the way i feel and how i would act toward this strange and mysterious case!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Love is a curse...

You see that one person that makes you smile.
You feel something churning in your stomach.
You think about them everyday.
Want them in your life, no matter what
Now is it love, or an obsession?
Your eyes light up, your heart is on fire,
You feel the temperature rising
You kiss, you feel, touch and love
Then you realize
Love is a maze
And you have to find you'r way through
You may stumble down the wrong path
Might keep falling down and not want to get up
But that is what love is, finding you
And someone to support you
Love is what helps you find that person
Everything that happens is for a reason
Love is something good and bad
Love is something that needs patients
But also causes pain
Love just slowly drives you insane!