Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

Desiree's Baby: I enjoyed this story because it has many interesting things to read about it includes things about slavery and stuff which is good to look up on. In this story it focuses so much on the color of someones skin which really dose not matter, but back then they seemed to care about it so much. I enjoyed it because Arman has a family but he treats them like crap and even wants them to leave his home, then he tries to burn everything that they touched. The cool thing was that at the end of the story after him accusing so much he got what he deserved by finding out he was the one out of the two that was black not Desiree and that is why their baby looked the way that he did, i like this story because it takes you through twist and turns and leaves you speechless.

The Story Of An Hour: This was also an amazing story because it is so well thought out and planned ahead. You get into this women's life where she is so unhappy and miserable and she finds out that her husband has passed on, and you would expect her to be sad and crying but this story takes the turn for something a little crazy but cool. She is happy that her husband is dead and it is kind of freaky, but we understand that he held her back so she now wants to plan out he rest of her long life alone. This story is something else very mysterious because at the end she dies because she sees that he was never dead all the doctors tell him it was from the joy of seeing him, i like how you think one thing is going to happen when really Kate has this all planned out to leave you stumped.

The Blind Man: This was good because it focuses on Ablism. I like this story because this man that is blind but not only that but not smart too is never taken care of or helped by anyone, throughout the entire story he lives not knowing anything really and he stands out side of a wealthy mans house, but because the wealthy man wants nothing to do with a poor man he gives the blind man a box of pencils to go sell. The blind man tries hard to sell but he dosen't sell anything most of the people feel bad for him but don't do anything because they don't really want to do anything with someone thjat has a disability and is at a different class level. At the end the man gets across the street without haveing eye sight, when the wealthy man hets hit by the car so things get nixed up at the end of the story.

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