Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, Chapters 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give you solutions for each.

The first problem i think that Benjamin is going to face is his wife and kids because Benjamin is not like a normal person he is different but it is ok, but anyways he is not gettin any older but younger while his family gets older so this make him not really want a family and he might become irratated because he would want to be out exploring and doing cool things but he will have to be stuck with his family which is not what a oung person really wants to do. Bejamin has been living in a mixed up world since he was born not having the love of his father or other and not really geting to do anything or be himself so now that he is getting older he would probably in his parents love over get to go and explore new things and basically live life without any of his old worries.
Second, i would have to say that while Benjamin is in the army he wont really get to be in touch with his fmily that much anymore and wjho knows what could happen whle he is gone, his wife could get a sicknss and she could die leaving their son alone without any of his parents. Also his mother or father could pass away at any time wile he is away because they or that age already and if something like this would happen he would probably be shattered and depressed for sometime in his life, I think that this might because if the fact that his parents are old and it might be their time to go and then what would Bejamin do?

Last, WHile Benjamin is away at war in Cuba his son will only be raised by his mother and as we all know mothers can do many things but they can't really repremand theirs sons if they are not strong at heart, and i think that Benjamins son will start to get into problems with other kids and not really care anymore because he would think everything is his way. Wiht his son getting in to so much trouble that he could get into it with someone and possibly lose his life. I think that these things might actually happen because sometimes bad things happen to good people!


  1. Good Reasons Ernie! :] I agree with you in the reasons you put. Keep up the good work my friend!!! :D

  2. I like ur predictions
    and either i'm going crazy or u just fixed ur spelling errors
    cuz one minute i see them, then next i look to find them...their fixed!!!!

    I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. nice job ernie
    cool thinking baout the son getting in troublem

  4. nice reasons ernie i liked the second reason the most but i likd all of them keep up the good work man
