Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in
Chapter 1?
Well if i had been Roger Button in chapter 1 I would have probably been freaked out and yelled out horrid scream and told the nurse that he was not my son and that they made a really bad mistake. After a while though of me cooping with the fact that this had happened and that he was really my son, I eventually would have to face that fact that it actually was reality and not some ridiculous joke.In my own train of though i believe that i would take him into my home and raise him as my son because no matter what he is always going to be mine, my blood and everything and family dose not back down on each other. I think i would have done things differently than Roger because its not right for you not to love someone just because of the way they look especially you knowing that you created them it is more of your fault for being noisy and having the kid so why not show them the love no matter what, that is the way i feel and how i would act toward this strange and mysterious case!

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